Wednesday, December 21, 2011


Laugh, I nearly Wet myself, lucky I was wearing my "Tenna for Men"

 !! It all began when I decided to go out for a spin in my Ferrari, I was driving along the motorway at about 65 MPH (Keeping within the speed limit) when I saw this leggy blonde thumbing a lift on the side of the road, I slammed on the brakes  jerked forward and hit my head on the dash board and then woke up!!

It was 4.30 am, ( fooled You ). I went to bed at about 11.00 last night and fell asleep watching a repeat of " A touch of Frost" on ITV 3 anyway went to the bathroom and then back to bed, Next thing I know I get woken by the house phone ringing, I answer the phone and it is Amanda the Carer,

Where is Frank ?
She is outside the front door and is wondering if I am OK as I have not answered the door, I look at the clock and it is 8.25.  Now that is the first time I have not woken up by 7.00 am for a few years, Must start to set the alarm clock to make sure I am awake by 8.00 in the morning.
I go and let Amanda in and she is OK about it She said she was worried in case I had an accident, anyway I apologize and she is OK about it, and we both thought it was funny with her outside frantically trying to wake me up and me fast asleep, however she gets me washed and groomed and then she is on her way, "Running 10 minutes late due to me oversleeping."

Portsmouth Harbour at 10.00 am today
from live webcam at Gunwharf.
So I am now all behind this morning so get dressed, text pauline and then go and get some Porridge for Breakfast. At about 9.15 Pauline phones to see how I am and to let me know she and Gordon are OK, so I now go and make a coffee and settle down to watch the TV and to go online and see who is on Facebook. The weather is not to bad today a couple of showers but certainly warmer, and I need to get round to Tesco express and get some milk etc. anyway that will be when it gets a little brighter .

My Brother Pat.
Anyway there I am happily playing " Words with Friends" and other exciting facebook games ( Memo : Must get a life ) when someone knocks the front door, I am not expecting anyone, I open the door and it is my brother Pat come to see me, he has finished his work for the day so has come in to see me for an hour or so, Pat stays for almost 1½ hours and we have a couple of coffee,s and a nice old chat and about 11.30 pat makes his way home, as he and Maz are hoping to go shopping this afternoon. That was a nice surprise and has kept me up to date with what is happening in Fareham and how my two nieces Melanie and Holly are getting on.

So now it is time to go round to tesco Express and get a couple of bits of shopping, certainly need milk and fruit juice drink, I will go now as it is nearly 12.00 and I will need to start getting  lunch ready at about 12.30.

Goldsmith Avenue.
Well I get round to Tesco and I walk the long way round via Goldsmith Avenue and it is quite pleasant as at the moment the sun is out and the skies are blue with some white fluffy cloud,s, it is quite mild as well for the week leading up to Christmas, there are not many people around so I get what I need and then head back home.

It is now 12.40 so I bought a nice "Smoked Haddock Fillet " yesterday up at Sainsbury's so I am going to cook that in the oven wrapped in foil with some butter for 20 min,s and have that with a couple of crispbread, and it was delicious and went down a treat, so now to have a nice cup of tea, take my medication and then settle down for the afternoon with some daytime TV.

So all is now back on schedule, I had a phone call from the community dietician today and she has made an appointment to see me just after Christmas to look at my dietary need,s now that I am going from a Puree Diet to a Soft lump diet. I have been referred to her by my speech therapist Dawn. It is to make sure I am still eating enough and eating the right foods, and to assess if I still need to have the daily protein shake, or if I no longer need them.

Anyway I will now get this edition of my Daily Journal Posted as I am going to see if I can get a couple of hours of Genealogy research done before Pointless starts at 5.15. so until tomorrow I will say Tatty Bye . and hopefully I will be awake in time for the carer tomorrow.

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